Trump urges South Carolina
Republicans to vote for Bernie Sanders
THIS!!!… this right here is why I have been vehemently against open (crossover) primaries since Day One, and why I will continue to be against them until the day I die. Simply put, they’re dumb. They’re dishonest. They’re too easily prone to corruption. The mere concept is supremely unethical. Bottom line: A party and it’s people (should) have the right to solely determine who will represent them in the next election. Nobody else. This is not a Trump issue, this is not a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a fairness issue for everybody. If somebody in another party intrigues you that much, change parties. Seriously.
Only two kinds of people could possibly favor this type of set-up… 1) The naive in some Don Quixote-like quest for inclusion, and 2) The corrupt who want to artificially and insidiously jack the system and results in their favor. And of course, like always, Mr Trump is the latter.
For those who are unfamiliar, an open primary is generally where party affiliation is not important or required and registered voters are allowed to vote for whomever they choose. I add the word “crossover” as that’s what happens, people ‘crossover’ and vote for… or against… specific candidates with the desired end result being the eventual election of the person they actually want to win and lead. For example, Mary Clark might want John Smith to be president, but she votes for David Jones in the other party’s primary because David Jones is a political weakling and would have no shot against John Smith. It would also keep Robert Roberts from opposing John Smith because Robert Roberts and could beat John Smith. How any logical thinking person cannot see this as not only a possibility, but a probability, is beyond me.
Now, if you’re of a particular bent and think, “That’s great! I want Trump to win an easy victory.”, fair enough… but what about down the road when the same tactic is used against you and your candidate? Will you be so happy and eager when other people are being dishonest then? Or, will you whine and cry about the unfairness of it all and how you’re getting screwed? For people who think this is great now, I predict the whining and crying will win out. I mean, YOU were perfectly willing to be dishonest and corrupt, right?
The headline above comes from a New York Post article regarding another one of Trump’s high school-like pep rallies held last night, the eve of the South Carolina primary. I know, I know, “fake news”, right? <eye roll> Don’t be obtuse.
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