Not much of a revelation, is it? (I mean, not for anyone with open eyes and an open mind.) President Donald Trump lies. All the time. About stuff that doesn’t even need a lie, stuff that doesn’t make a whit of difference.
So, why does he do this?
I believe a big part of it is that… he simply likes doing it. I believe he thrives on chaos. He loves stirring the pot, getting people all riled up over nothing. And tied to this, this is why he often changes direction on a whim. He enjoys watching people squirm and try to conform to his new direct… only to switch back a few days later. You’d think that these ostensibly intelligent people would have figured this out by now, and wouldn’t want to be such obvious tools. I can only suspect that their frantic desire for their own level of power leads them to compromise what values they claim to have.
Take this story, for example: Pres. Trump wants to push middle-income tax cut through Congress. He says he’s going to have a tax cut passed by Congress before the upcoming election. Problem is, Congress is not in session, and will not be coming back until after the election. This has been pointed out many times, yet he acts as if it’s never said to him and keeps prattling on.
I believe he is simply lying, to placate his base. He knows his margins are thin. But he also knows he has a solid base of Suckers that will believe pretty much anything he says, just because he said it, and he needs to keep them occupied and engaged.
Bottom line: The man has no scruples. He will do or say anything to get what he wants, even if it involves leaving throngs of gullible people in his wake.