In October 1993 Russia had a “Constitutional crises”… read: coup attempt… that shocked the world. Tanks were involved. Smoke. Lots of smoke. 100+ deaths. At one point while I was watching it unfold on the news I remember two men hanging out a burned-out window and defiantly waving their flag. I do not recall which side they were on nor can I find that photo when I do a Google search. Anyway, that is the image that is still etched in my mind 31 years later.
The primary feeling I had at the time was pride in my own country. My thought process went something like this…
How fortunate and proud I am to live in a civilized country where disagreements are settled at the ballot box and we don’t have banana-republic-like attempts at seizing power when it doesn’t go our way. It’s good to be an American.
Yeah. Sigh.
Now, before you start reminding me of our own past, it’s time to trot out the obligatory disclaimer. Our history isn’t perfectly clean. We’ve had our own tests, not the least of which was our own Civil War. But for the most part we’ve done pretty well, and I thought we had matured and advanced. We’ve had violence, but few direct assaults to replace the government. Fast forward to January 2021 and here we are, having our own version of Russia’s “October Coup”. The circumstances leading up to the events are strikingly similar.
The hyper-partisanship in our country right now between the far-left and the far-right is truly mind-boggling, probably hysterical. That doesn’t bother me so much, you could say at least each side cares, or you can intellectually understand why they think like they do. What bothers me is the middle, the “milquetoast moderates”, the people who are dismissive, and can’t be bothered, to the point of thinking, “Oh, it’s no big deal. Everything will be fine.” Will it? Maybe everything will be fine, but history says maybe not.
And what if it’s not? For the moment we don’t have a wannabe-dictator, our laws still work… for the most part. In this year’s presidential election we have a chance to send the wannabe packing, averting a crises for at least another four years. Bottom Line: The choice in 2024 is crystal clear. Donald Trump. Yes, or no. You either want what he will do for/to the country, or you don’t. The Dem candidate is 100% irrelevant. Get serious about your own future. Vote accordingly.