Prelude: Simply put, I loathe the man, both as a politician and as a human being. He has virtually no redeeming qualities whatsoever. In fact, I cannot think of a single one. But, be that as it may, there are a handful of policies that I do agree with, in part or in full, and that should come as no surprise to a thinking person. If you can’t find something significant you like AND dislike about any politician, you’re not even trying to be objective or fair.
So, Mr Trump rides into office with obvious questionable morals and ethics. Things from the Emoluments Clause to other various actions that either skirt by the law or cross over just slightly, there’s a whole list of them. And what does Congress… you know, the people elected in part to enforce rules and laws… do? Nothing.
If this isn’t clear proof that the Party is *the most important* body in America, then we might as well give up now. We’ve succumbed. We can’t see the obvious. The Republican Party, in particular is riding Trump’s coat tails to further the party’s goals, solely. And we don’t care. Our lives are so cushy that as long as we have our luxuries and pleasures we just don’t care.
Fast forward to the 2018 mid-term elections. The Dems retake the House. We start hearing semi-serious talk of impeachment. Now, I’m not sure there’s a legitimate impeachable offense that stands out, but there are some possibilities. And if not that, how about pursuing the 25th Amendment and removing him from office due to incompetency or not dealing in the best interests of the country? Or, at least some other lesser penalties or sanctions? Anything? So what does Congress… you know, the people elected in part to enforce rules and laws… do? Nothing.
And where does Congress get this ‘do nothing’ attitude? From you. In listening to politicians and pundits, and even discussions with friends who proclaim the same distaste for Mr Trump that I do, I started hearing things like (paraphrasing, insert appropriate whining voice with each statement)… ‘Well, no, that would be messy, and I don’t want to get my hands dirty.’
Really? Now that push comes to shove, when something actually could be done, you want to slink away? All this time complaining and whining and you want to do… nothing?
– We have elections for that.
Yes. Yes, we do, and if we had done our due diligence prior instead of voting our own comfort we wouldn’t have spineless ‘leaders’ from which to choose, either, so please, shut up. We also have legal processes to take care of it, too, for the same damn reasons. Apparently, these legal processes are just for show, something to point to so we can proclaim what a great society we are because we have measures in place to deal with incompetency and/or illegal activity… except we won’t use them, so they’re worthless.
All I have to say to you people is, “Fuck you!” Your whining the last couple years has been shown to be hollow and insincere. That’s when I stopped caring (as much).
I guess Donald Trump wins again, sure, but who really wins are the two major parties. People love to compare Trump to Hitler, but that is shortsighted, to the point of being naive. It’s the party apparatus, the multitudes of people who have their own little kingdoms that they can and will protect at all costs, that you should be concerned with. The single man can be dealt with. The system… both sides really working together to protect each other as equal parts of a two-headed monster… that protects itself? Much harder.
Footnote: Note that I do not mention the Mueller Report (now finished and not enough evidence), nor do I mention popular vote vs electoral college (irrelevant), but I mention them here so you don’t think I conveniently left them out because they don’t bolster my argument. My argument stands fine on its own.