Let’s dig into a current event…
Background: The state of North Carolina passed what is being referred to as the “bathroom law”. In a nutshell, the law requires individuals to use the restroom that corresponds to the gender listed on their birth certificate. This requirement is seen as an affront to gay and transgender people. (The gay aspect doesn’t make any sense, but I get the transgender part.)
Anyway, “The Boss” has canceled an upcoming concert to show his solidarity with those protesting the new law. Springsteen’s cancellation is being heralded by many, but regardless your feeling on the law itself, such cancellation is morally wrong, and here’s why…
1) A a lot of lower income people, some of whom are probably LBGT+, who work these events depend on each show for their livelihood. To have that ripped out from under them only a week prior is arrogantly insensitive and extremely selfish. They were counting on this income and it throws everything financial in their lives out of whack. Yeah, concern for the little guy, my ass.
2) When he started selling tickets, he made a contract… not a legal contract, per se, but an ethical social contract, a promise… with the people who bought them. His promise was, if you buy my tickets, I will perform.. He has gone back on his word. And not for something legit such as illness, or tragedy, but rather disagreement over legislation.
No, the FAR BETTER option would be for him to honor his commitment, allow the workers to earn a living, and use the show as a pulpit to slam the state legislators for doing this. Not only that, but he could have donated the proceeds from the show to local LGBT+ causes. That would have been huge. That would also have been high profile, and been much more effective, IMO. Videos of that would be all over the internet far longer than the canceled show has been forgotten and people moved on to other issues.
But no. Posturing is The Boss’ preferred method, even if it hurts those he purports to support.
I didn’t have any expectations regarding that name,
but the more I was astonished. The writer did a fantastic job.