More random musings regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Situations and possible topic change by the hour, so it’s hard for a person like me to keep up. I mean, I have a day job and all that, but I do my best and try to be informative and maybe even entertaining. I strive to give accurate factual information, infused with my own perspectives and conclusions. So let’s go…
Putin is Backed into a Corner
Of course Putin is claiming all is going to plan, but no one really believes that. Putin expected it to go quick, within 2 to 3 days, max. He expected Ukrainians to give up immediately. I mean, who sends an invasion force in with only 2 to 3 days worth of food an fuel? He expected to have a puppet government in place by now. He did NOT expect almost the entire world, especially all of Europe (even Switzerland!), to rally against him. So he’s doubling-down and increasing his military moves, and it’s still falling short.
Putin’s latest move is threatening Sweden and Finland with military retaliation if they join NATO. Explain this to me. Putin threatens to retaliate if Finland and Sweden join NATO. So, he wants to attack if they join a defensive alliance, which would trigger all of NATO to respond. Is this rational thinking? I do not think he is a madman, but I do think he knows he backed himself into a corner and is throwing out whatever MIGHT work. It’s a move of desperation.
Really, with as strong as the Russian military is supposed to be, this should be over by now. The “West” has responded with virtually everything they have, minus military action, and that’s a large hammer and Putin knows it. One of Putin’s unintended consequences, in my opinion, is he has exposed how weak they really are.
Russian Troop Morale, well… Doesn’t Exist
Old Ukrainian women are walking up to Russian soldiers and chewing them out. There have been multiple credible reports of Russian soldiers knocking on doors and politely begging for food. Russian soldiers have been texting their mothers telling how they don’t even know why they’re the
Russian soldiers in Ukraine are “don’t know why they are on our land”, a dad-of-three in Lviv has said, while they are also lacking food and fuel.
Russians troops are disoriented, hungry, and don’t understand why they’re invading, says Ukrainian
People aren’t robots. Russian soldiers have nothing to fight for, Ukrainian soldiers do.
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