Oh… my… God… Pete Buttigieg ate a cinnamon roll incorrectly. Gasp! The horror of it all. Apparently, he ate it like a chicken wing. Now, given that Fox News tells the story but has no photos of him eating said cinnamon roll like a chicken wing makes the whole story even more useless, but really… does it matter to begin with?
It seems to pop up every political season. Somebody goes to a region of the country which they are unfamiliar. Said person eats publicly… which would put me off just by itself… and is then criticized for not eating properly. People making the criticisms claim lightheartedness and harmless poking fun, but I call BS. Based on how it’s done, and the fact that it’s simple politics combined with our petty political mindset in this country to begin with, I say it’s very serious. It’s just wrapped in a “teasing blanket”, if you will, as a cover to try and get away with it and not face backlash yourself.
Well, I’m backlashing. I hate Hate HATE this. Just STFU, people! Mayor Pete ate a cinnamon roll like a chicken wing. John Kasich ate a slice of pizza with a knife and fork. Here’s an article showing Donald Trump eating a piece of KFC chicken with a knife and fork and Barack Obama eating ice cream out of a cone with a spoon. And let’s not forget Gerald Ford’s infamous tamale fiasco… ok, that one is hard to brush off as just a quirk, but still… I don’t know how to say this and make it any clearer… IT… DOESN’T… MATTER!!!
New Yorkers had only recently recovered from former Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s 2016 offense when he used a fork to eat a slice of pizza at a Queens eatery. The then-Republican presidential candidate dismissed his detractors on the grounds of seniority.
“I was eating pizza before you were born,” he said.
Mr Kasich has a solid defense… Shut up and leave me alone, it doesn’t matter.
Not wanting to be a buzzkill here, but our political discourse is so completely and deeply dysfunctional that we don’t have the luxury of partisan teasing right now. It just adds to the hard feelings, which leads to even more misunderstanding and close-mindedness. We can’t afford that. And besides, can’t we even leave politicians alone and let them at least eat in peace?
Before I wrap up, I mention above that Fox News writes the story but doesn’t include photos. Way to make the story even more irrelevant, Fox News! At least Huffington post came through and posted a photo of the alleged offending Cinnamon Rollgate incident, so here’s the photo. (Not a bad story, either.)
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