Seems a fitting topic for Veteran’s Day, not to mention the current political divide that has gripped and paralyzed our country. Not even something as simple as defining a patriot is simple and straight forward anymore. The dictionary defines “patriot” thusly…
Definition of patriot
: one who loves and supports his or her country
Simple enough, right? Not anymore. Now, there are several aspects to what is and is not a patriot. Too many people act as if the only thing that matters is appearance, what others think you are. So, I’m going to weigh in, too, and I have no doubt that my opinions will not sit well with many. As with pretty much anyone anymore, this is solely my own opinion and conclusion, honed and refined over time, so let’s get to it…
A patriot IS…
- …a person who is willing to put something substantial on the line for their country, for others. This does not mean that the chance will occur in one’s lifetime, but when or if it does…
- …a person willing to serve their country. In person. For real. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the armed forces, it can be other country-supporting endeavors, but the armed forces is the most common.
- …a person who is willing to take a stand, especially a significant personal sacrifice, who is willing to challenge the status quo, to swim upstream against popular opinion, to do what is right for the country over oneself and/or corporate interest.
Patriotism costs, and I don’t mean money.
A patriots is NOT…
- …a person who only pays lip service, unwilling to actually contribute anything that might cause inconvenience and/or personal sacrifice.
- …a person who spouts mindless slogans.
- …a person who blindly engages in empty nationalistic ceremony.
- …interested in impressing others by proving how “patriotic” they can be.
- …does not feel the need to “out-patriot” others.
Spare me the rhetoric, actions speak louder than words, what are you willing to DO?
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