Six years ago today I started this blog, and overall have found it enjoyable and worthwhile. I find the writing to be beneficial in it allows me to think more about a topic with a purpose in mind, rather than random thoughts looking for squirrels. I find the “centrist” perspective to be sorely lacking and my hopes are to contribute to filling that niche.
All that being said, here’s some rules for the blog and for interaction in posting and responding…
Radcen’s Rules for Debate
1. If you ask me my opinion, I will answer, but I expect you to provide your opinion, also, especially if asked. It’s a discussion, remember? Unless my “Spidey Sense” is warning me you might be disingenuous and trying to lure me into a “got’cha! trap”, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and answer. But… a one-way street this is not. I will generally ask you once. After that if you think it’s going to be a one-sided affair you’re wrong. I will pretty much ignore you.
2. I will NOT argue. I will openly discuss, but if it’s not civil I will cut it off. Dignity needs to return to social and political discourse, and dignity starts here.
3. I might block YOU from commenting if you’re being an asshat, but I will never disabled the ability to respond and comment in general. As of this writing I have never had to do this, but I reserve the right.
4. I will do my best to not name call. Name calling is childish and helps no one. Especially to each other, but also to direct names like “President Cheeto”, “Obumbles the Clown”, “Shrub”, and so on. Terms like “snowflake” are fine when directed at a group of people collectively, but it would not be acceptable to ditect at each other here. Even “Barrack HUSSEIN Obama” juvenileh. Yes, that’s his given name, but so what? The inflection and context is clearly intended to imply questionable allegiance. And if you use any variation of “*-tard”, I will shun you. Grow up.
In the interest of full honesty I will admit I am highly amused by the nickname “Moscow Mitch” for Mitch McConnell.
5. The mark of an adult is a willingness, in the interest of honest discussion, to concede a point every now and then. And no, conceding a point does not equal conceding the entire argument, nor does it set you back in the discussion, it just means you are a reasonable thinking person and it actually gives your point-of-view more weight. Hard to believe, but not every topic is clear-cut and one-sided… then again I guess that’s what defines a “centrist”.
So there ya go!