Ok, it won’t be literally daily, but it will be frequent. On this page I will add short thoughts at random. Hopefully they’ll be self-explanatory.
11 Jun 2024: Laws are meaningless when those in charge of enforcing them refuse to do so.
1 Aug 2023: RINO! – Everyone drink!
29 Dec 2022: Trump, the Trump Spawn, and the whole Trumpster world, takes projection to such an extreme unprecedented level the word doesn’t feel like it means anything anymore.
29 Nov 2022: Democracy means that somebody has to be willing to lose. (~Stuart Stevens)
2 Sep 2022: Donald Trump… Speak loudly and carry a limp dick.
6 Aug 2022: In the US you do NOT have a Constitutional right to be factually innocent, you only have the right to what is deemed a “fair trial”. Strange, I know.
16 Jun 2022: The extreme left are “whackjobs”. The extreme right are “crackpots”. Now you know.
27 Apr 2022: Not all Trump supporters are racists, but all racists are Trump supporters.
6 Apr 2022: “Freedom” has become just a way for people to say, “I don’t want to be told what to do.”
30 Jan 2022: Adolf Hitler at least liked dogs. Donald Trump doesn’t have even that.
20 Sept 2021: When did responsibility get separated from rights?
15 Sep 2020: Reagan proved deficits don’t matter. Trump has proven facts don’t matter.
5 Apr 2020: Political ideologies should not ignore human nature.
4 Apr 2020: For those of you keeping score on my anti-Trumpness, rest assured, I have issues with Joe Biden, too, and have things reserved to rail against him, too, should he become president.
29 Feb 2020: Whipping in a, “They’re all crooks. Term limits, for the win!” at the end of a political conversation is not a ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card to avoid a well-earned reputation as a partisan hack.
31 Dec 2019: It’s an awful system where innocent defendants acquitted are deemed “losses” by the state.
10 Nov 2019: The fact that Donald Trump, of all people, was able to get himself elected president should have been a sharp slap in the face to both major parties how screwed up they really are.
20 Oct 2019: Trickle down does not work… neither does trickle up.
7 Oct 2019: Only an ignorant person votes based on how the economy is performing at the present moment.
11 Sep 2019: “Immigrant” is not a synonym for “refugee”.
4 July 2019: No police force should ever be allowed to self-investigate. Why do we even allow this? It should be blindingly obvious.
21 May 2019: Immigration is supposed to serve the country, not the immigrants.
16 March 2019: Hillary Clinton would have been a horrible president, but not this bad.
13 Jan 2019: When a politician says, “It’s time for <the other side> to come to the table and compromise so we can move on with the people’s business.”, note that they aren’t giving any hint what ‘compromise’ actually means. That’s because what they really mean is, “It’s time for <the other side> to give in completely so we can move on with the people’s business.” Doesn’t sound as noble, does it?
4 Nov 2018: “Zero Tolerance” is its own form of bullying.
10 Oct 2018: It’s all about the D or the R.
8 June 2018: When people say, “We need to have a serious discussion about guns.”, what they really mean is, “The other side needs to capitulate and adopt my point-of-view.”
17 Feb 2018: If you believe you’re 100% right on the issues, you’re probably 50% wrong.
15 Feb 2018: Why does it seem like Donald Trump gets his ideas from The Onion?
7 Jan 2018: The ONLY way that a sin tax can be even remotely legit is if it goes 100% to the “sin”. For example, tobacco taxes 100% to tobacco-related medical treatment and/or tobacco cessation programs. I can live with that, but I still disapprove in principle. If any of it goes elsewhere, then it’s just sleazy picking the pockets of the politically powerless. We’re supposed to be better than that.
3 Jan 2018: Steve Bannon is now throwing accusations about regarding illegal activity. Why now? Why didn’t he make these same accusations when he was on the inside of the administration?
6 Dec 2017: How many people who are all outraged about Roy Moore’s behavior, and believe the accusers, and are calling for his disqualification (or whatever), also defended Bill Clinton’s behavior and dismissed his impeachment as being over “just a BJ”?
7 Oct 2017: “Undocumented immigrant” makes it sound like they’re here legally, they just lost their paperwork.
22 Sep 2017: Law enforcement without accountability is a form of terrorism.
20 Aug 2017: In the past year an amazing thing has happened. Conservatives and liberals have flip-flopped. Liberals are saying things conservatives used to and condemning things they used to say, and visa versa.
5 Aug 2017: The clown show we presently have is bad, but… things are pretty much stagnated, too, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
16 Jul 2017: Censoring speech only makes the person with the bad idea a sympathetic martyr.
2 Jul 2017: We need to stop rewarding lip service from our politicians. Unfortunately, we have short memories and fall for it pretty much every time.
27 Jun 2017: A bad idea is its own worst enemy.
21 Jun 2017: A position should be able to stand on it’s own without partisan influence.
16 Jun 2017: It is possible that Trump, in his own unintended and perverse way, is actually facilitating a return to decency and civility.
19 May 2017: Ever notice how Donald Trump is… according to Donald Trump… always the most/best/#1 <whatever>? Can be positive, can be negative, he’s the best at it.
17 Apr 2017: Who cares what celebrities think? Probably the same people who care what WE think. <shrug>
28 Mar 2017: What is the purpose of a Centrist? Apparently it’s to piss everybody off on both sides so you get told you’re wrong all the time about everything.
18 Mar 2017: We have devolved into a society that seeks bias confirmation over objective information.
10 Mar 2017: Liberals are tax and spend, but conservatives are charge and spend.
5 Feb 2017: Politics have become more about *who* than what.
8 Jan 2017: “Supply and demand”. Or, as I have thought for some time now, just “demand”. We have evolved to a point that, for most products, supply is no longer an issue. We can supply almost anything to anywhere in almost unlimited quantities. Hence, it’s just demand and how much consumers are willing to pay for it.
31 Dec 2016: I don’t mind the “we’re a nation of immigrants” phrase, because we are a nation founded and prospered largely on LEGAL immigration, and that’s how I take it, in the historical context. I have to say, though, that saying, “We’re ALL immigrants.” is just white liberal guilt pablum, and deserves to be ignored. Technically, almost every soul in the world is an immigrant, by those standards.
18 Dec 2016: Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
10 Dec 2016: Except for the fact that we’re all going to die someday, NOTHING is ever “just that simple”.
27 Nov 2016: Judges… They’re “engaging” if they agree with us, and they’re “activists” if they disagree with us.
19 Nov 2016: Not voting is actually a vote in it’s own way. It’s the person saying they don’t care enough and are fine with others to make decisions for them.
30 Oct 2016: We already have term limits… they’re called elections.
2 Oct 2016: The government should be legally forbidden from releasing information after noon on Friday. If it’s 12:01 pm or later, they have to hold it until 8:00 am Monday.
27 Sept 2016: Saw this elsewhere… “Can we all just agree that Soros and the Koch brothers cancel out in some way so nobody has to talk about them? I think everybody dislikes big money at this point.”
25 Sept 2016: The same people who say we need guns to protect us from the tyranny of government also say we should give complete blind faith and obedience to the police… which is part of government… the very people that would be the ones being tyrannical.