Dear Trump supporters, this post is for you: For the four years of his presidency Mr Trump boasted “America First” and you all lapped it up and repeated it zealously. You reveled in it. And in the interest of full honesty… in spite of the historic connotations of the term and sentiment… at face value I agree with “America First”. A nation, any nation, should put itself first before anyone else, just as a family should do the same, or an individual should do self-care first. That’s not unreasonable. So for this post we’re going with that angle, not the negative historical context.
Fact: Back in February 2020 the Trump administration announced a withdrawal deal with the Taliban. Not the legitimate government, the Taliban… the enemy, terrorists. Trump, not Biden. Ok, fine.
Biden has gotten a lot of flak for the chaos involved in our departure, but let’s observe some other facts…
- Withdrawal was never going to be easy. Not this year, not five years ago, not five years from now. That’s not how the Taliban works.
- Could Biden have done it better? Sure. Could they have done it painlessly and seamlessly? No. See point #1.
- Biden should have started sooner… I’ll grant that… but I say started because Trump never really did start, did he? He sat on his hands. The 14 month withdrawal clock was ticking and half over when Biden was inaugurated. Other than removing some troops, which you agree was backward when Biden did the same, Trump… did… NOTHING. Why aren’t you complaining about that? Why aren’t you at least sharing the blame?
Joe Biden is doing what is right, not what is easy. Trump did the easy part, he negotiated with terrorists and gave them the country. Biden was left to do the dirty work, the work Trump set up then abandoned. Anyone can talk… talk is cheap… Biden had the balls to actually, finally, get us out of Afghanistan.
Donald Trump promised us “America First”… Joe Biden literally gave it to us… and you don’t want it. So what’s your problem?
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