The Issue
One of the many trendy issues currently is team names and mascots. There’s quite the brouhaha over names after all types of people, especially indigenous people. Radcen, ever the non-PC contrarian, sees both sides of the issue and does not fall wholly on one side or the other. I’m sorry, but I am not going to support changing names just because a group is vocal and supposedly aggrieved about it.
I am not one of the aggrieved groups, so there is that, but at the same time in the vast majority of cases the best reason I have ever heard is some variation of “it hurts our feelings”. Ok, fair enough, but can you articulate that better? One article I read claimed it hurt all the children, in and out of the affected groups, but offered nothing beyond that. That by itself was not convincing. How, why, does it affect all races of children?
Look, I’m not wedded to these names, but at the same time “progress” isn’t always progress, and if we’re going to make a change I like to have a solid reason, more than “because I want you to”. That being said, while I won’t actively support name changing without articulation, at the same time I won’t fight to keep the names… other than offering opinions at random… either.
I’ve known for a couple decades the Washington Redskins was going to change. I mean, how could you not see this coming? If nothing else, the team would eventually sell, and the NFL would make it a condition of approval the name would have to change before they would approve new ownership. Dan Snyder, the owner, was defiant for a long time, then did an abrupt about-face last year, and right now the team has no name at all… which is kinda dumb… until they think of a new one.
Then the Cleveland Indians announced they will change their name. Ok. Now the Kansas City Chiefs are in the cross hairs. And it continues from there. It’s almost as if some people want to whitewash themselves out of the public consciousness. But I digress…
Marion High School
When we moved to our current home in 2005 the local high school was/is the Marion Indians. I cringed when I first learned that. Not because I was offended, but I knew it was going to eventually change, though I am surprised it took as long as 15+ years. The school district conducted a public survey whether the name should be changed at all… which, of course, I cannot find a source for it now when I need it <eye roll>… and 63% voted to keep the name “Indians”, which is a significant polling, almost 2/3. Then the school board voted to change the name anyway, which suggests they poll was a sham and they always intended to make the change regardless what people thought.
The school board came up with three alternatives: Mavericks, Red Storm, and Red Wolves. Side note: I will admit I actually like Red Storm. Anyway, Mavericks was chosen. Marion High School will be the Marion Mavericks, and there lies…
…The Irony
What is a “Maverick”? According to the Urban Dictionary, a “maverick” is…
Someone who refuses to play by the rules. he/she isn’t scared to cross the line of conformity. but their unorthodox tactics get results!
And according to Collins Online Dictionary, a “maverick” is…
Word forms: mavericks
countable noun
If you describe someone as a maverick, you mean that they are unconventional and independent, and do not think or behave in the same way as other people.
…which is ironic because that is exactly the polar opposite of what the school is doing. The school isn’t being unconventional or independent or unorthodox. No, the school is following the crowd, caving to trendy politically-correct opinion regardless if it’s right or wrong.
A Better Mascot
So, considering how and why the mascot has changed, and how the new chosen name is completely absurd, I have a few suggestions for a more accurate and better team name…
Marion Conformists
Marion Followers
Marion Sheep (the girls teams could be called the Marion Ewes)
What do you think?
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