Politics anymore is reactionary, not thoughtful and reasoned. Example: I really don’t get all the hatred for Obama. To start, I’m sorry, but I don’t buy that it’s because he’s black. The ONLY people I ever heard make a big deal out of him being black are people looking for racism anywhere they can find it so they could point it out, almost as if that’s what they wanted, it gave them purpose. The rest of us, whenever we would engage in anything political, his race/ethnicity never came up. Yes, there are some who have racist views toward the man and in general, but really the vast majority honestly don’t gave a crap. That probably shatters your world view, but ok, irrational knee-jerk world views are part of the problem.
Going back to that reactive thing, I think that’s pretty much it. Which is really shallow, if you think about it, but hey, here we are.
Whenever someone criticizes Trump, a Trump supporter will come back with something along the lines of, “Yeah, well, he’s better than the <insert criticism here> that we had to put up with for the last eight years.”
I look at those people as if they have two heads… and one of them is up their ass. I’m just seeing the mouthpiece in front of me. Put up with what, exactly? Can you please articulate that? Without playing off someone else, I mean. Please, be specific.
Now, let’s be real. Obama was NOT a great president. The man did make some bad decisions, but every president does, and he didn’t make any more than most any other president. He was mediocre. At best. That’s all. He will be remembered in history as more of a “caretaker president”, and settle in somewhere in the middle of the pack when ranked. Some of this you can blame on Congressional Republicans, but only to a point. What that really did was highlight his weaknesses.
He flat out lied to us regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (i.e.: keep your doctor, not a tax, etc.), yet Trump flat out lied to us about The Wall (Mexico will pay for it), and Trump’s lie is rationalized away by his supporters, just as Obama’s lies were rationalized to us by his supporters.
A strong president would have still done more, and forged ahead with relationships he built in Congress… oh, wait he had almost none because he wasn’t in Congress for very long. Or, he could have worked through with his charismatic personality, which was overrated from his fantastic ability to read a teleprompter. Hell, his last couple years he gave up and phoned it in… actually probably his best two years, but I digress.
Anyway, no he was not a good president, but he wasn’t bad, either. Not by a long shot and not in an “OMG we’re all gonna die” bad like so many Trump supporters frame it. So where the hell does all this, “…last eight years…” negativity come from? I see it as just a result of our ever-increasing blind and thoughtless partisanship… that we claim to dislike, but which we grasp onto tightly as if it’s our life blood. Sort of an unspoken, “I grudgingly know that I can’t lift up Trump, so I’ll slam Obama.” type tactic. It makes you look dumb and inarticulate and doesn’t do a damn thing to lift your guy up.
The moral of the story is this: When you talk about your person, and this really goes for everybody because this crap bounces back and forth all the time, be intellectually honest and talk about your person, not compare and contrast the opponent making it a race for the bottom. If you can’t lift your person up, you leave them in the gutter with the other person you’re condemning.
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