Being the Centrist that I am gives me a different perspective on most political and social matters than most people. Of course I like to think that I have a more honest and objective perspective, but maybe I’m all wet… you never know, do you?
The mainstream news media (MSM) has historically been accepted as being politically liberal, then Fox News came along. Fox News’ tagline is “Fair and Balanced”, which is ridiculous in and of itself, but does have a grain of truth. Fox News does not itself provide balanced reporting, but they do provide *A* balance to the otherwise overwhelming liberal slant in news reporting.
On the flip side is entertainment talk shows. Liberals try to encroach in this market, but almost always fall short. Talk shows are almost exclusively conservative in popularity. My own take is that conservatives talk shows are fun. They’re making jokes and laughing and doing parodies. Liberal talk shows, on the other hand, take themselves way too seriously. They’re so serious and somber and, well… dull. Of course no one wants to listen. Talk about a buzzkill.
Then we have the current Presidential election campaign. My liberal friends see Hillary Clinton getting the short end of the stick and Donald Trump getting a pass. My conservative friends see Trump getting vilified and Clinton getting help from the liberal media. Part of me thinks this is some sort of victim hood where people only perceive the negative aspects they see and forget the positive happenings. This is where my Centrist status helps, I think.
From my vantage point in the center, Hillary Clinton is getting the better deal, media reporting wise. There are things that are not necessarily positive that gets covered a lot, such as her health issues, but that is best explained by the media still needing ratings and reporting what sells. It should be noted that while the media did harp on her health, for the most part they weren’t negative about it. It was just mindless blather.
Donald Trump, on the hand, doesn’t get a break. One could make a point that the media hasn’t gone out of their way to make him look bad, but let’s be honest, they don’t have to. Trump is quite adept at making himself look like a buffoon. The media has been right there to highlight every moronic thing he has done and said. He’s actually made their job easy.
So, relax. Kick yer shoes off. Sit a spell. Enjoy the ride. It’ll all be over in a couple months and we’ll miss it all and will wish it had never ended. LOL!!!
Media is a particular annoying issue with me all the time but definitely in this instance. So many people listen to the media saying what they want to hear and arguing against the one that isn’t. Come on! Look for the real truth and be your own reporter!