April Fool’s Day seems like the best possible day to launch a political website and blog. Especially when you’re as cynical, and yet still at times hopelessly idealistic, as I am. We certainly seem to have a lot of fools in leadership positions… but then we put them there, so maybe some introspection is warranted when we complain about the direction our country is heading.
Hello. I have taken to calling myself The Radical Centrist, or RadCen for short. Meh, it sounds cool, and a catchy nickname never hurts. My writing style tends to be a little on the folksy side, just to be up front, and I make no apologies for that. This blog is intended to focus on political commentary and opinion, with a large focus on the opinion aspect. I strive to view issues from a non-partisan point-of-view as much as possible. I do not need to be told by a party what to think. I can do that quite nicely on my own. This means that sometimes I will fall on the conservative side of an issue, and other times I will fall on the liberal side of an issue.
A Centrist is not a Moderate, and many people make the mistake of equating the two. We will discuss that in future posts, along with other specific topics at random. Nor is a Centrist necessarily a Libertarian, though we may come to the same conclusion on a given issue, we just arrived there via a different route. (In the interest of full disclosure, I have referred to myself in the past as “a small ‘l’ libertarian”.)
I ask a lot of questions. Sometimes I have more questions than answers. I am prone to ask a question from a particular point-of-view even though I do not hold that point-of-view. I do this to promote discussion. I believe that through honest discussion headway might be made. That being said, I have no illusions that I’ll be able to change the world. Simply put, I don’t have enough money to buy wholesale change.
Not often, but occasionally I will post something of a random and non-political nature. Life can’t be too serious, ya know. If you have an interest, I also have a small-time photography business where I sell fine art prints of landscapes, primarily from the Midwest.
So, sit back, relax, peruse to your heart’s desire. Maybe we can have some fun, gain a little more understanding, and make our own little corner of the world a slightly better place.
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